Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jewel @ AMT 2/4/09

In the same vein as when she started performing, singer Jewel Kilcher stood on a stage just her and her guitar and the audience in front of her. She made a short stop at the American Music Theater in Lancaster, PA as part of her solo tour. Jewel started her show with an acapella version of Judy Garland’s “Somewhere Over the Ranbow.” Jewel talked between her songs about her upbringing and performing with her parents; before they divorced; and then later with just she and her dad playing together. She talked about “The Last Dance Rodeo” which she wrote for a Vietnam veteran who would not get the courage to ask a certain red leotard clad lady to dance at a local bar she and her dad were playing.
Other highlights included “Sorry is a Stupid Word,” “Hands,” “The Ballad of Posey and Nick,” and “Stephensville Texas”, a song which was inspired by Bob Dylan, who was a huge influence on her early in Jewel’s career. She actually was able to open for Dylan. During the song “Stephensville Texas” she messed up the songs and the some of the audience members actually shouted out the lyrics to her. Witout missing a beat Jewel finished the song and then asked if they would finish the show for her, which the audience laughed and applauded at the comment.
Near the end of the performance Jewel broke out some of her older hits included on her first release, “Pieces of You.” She sang “Foolish Games,” and the first song she ever wrote, “Who Will Save Your Soul.” She says, “The first time I heard myself on the radio was that song. I sounded like Kermit the frog. It was my most embarrassing moment, which I rode all the way to the bank and the rest is history.” She ended her set with “Who Will Save Your Soul” and left the stage, only to return for a two song encore.
She sang a cover of “Help Me Get through the Night” and then at the request of fans throughout the night she did a “yoddle” song to end the night. The audience left with the jewel sparkle in their eyes.

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